farians.) In ancient Hungary, working Komondors were out on the plains during most of the year with their flocks, and the Komondor coat developed to give the dogs protection against both predators and extremes of weather. The coat is also very similar in appearance to that of the Hungarian Racka sheep, which allowed the dog to blend in with his flock. Unlike the herding breeds, the Komondor is a flock guardian. When with his charges in the fields, a mature, experienced Komondor tends to stay with the flock, keeping predators away, but not allowing himself to be drawn away in a chase. In the United States, many Komondors are employed as livestock guardians (with sheep, goats, cattle, exotic birds, etc.), with some success. However, the majority of them are kept as companions and house guards. For these dogs, the family, including both humans and other animals, becomes the flock. Komondors living in households will be reserved with strangers, but demonstrative with those they love. They are selflessly devoted to their families, and will protect them against perceived threats from any quarter. Their devotion to those in their care and their sense of responsibility towards them, produces a courageous, vigilant and faithful guardian.

Komondor Temperament

The Komondor was developed to be an independent, intelligent and sensitive dogcapable of making decisions on his own. This makes him a terrific family guardian, but also makes him unsuitable for some types of homes. The adult Komondor is a large, territorial dog, and prospective owners must understand that a Komondor puppy must be well-socialized and taught to behave in a manner acceptable to the owner. Because Komondors traditionally cared for theircharges without a human to tell them what to do, they do not automatically look to people for direction the way herding and sporting breeds do. They are very smart dogs, and learn quickly, but a Komondor owner must make it clear from puppyhood (and continuing throughout the dog's life) that no means no, and must consistently correct the dog for behavior that is not acceptable. Having said that, the Komondor is also an extremely loving dog. He loves his family absolutely, and hates to have any of them out of his sight. The typical Komondor will follow his people from room to room, and actively seeks out physical
contact with those he loves. The Komondor is a wonderful guardian of home and property, but must have an owner who will see to it that the character traits that made the Komondor valuable as a livestock guardian will not become a liability in the modern world.

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